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End of Life Issues

Brain Death and Organ Donation

Death can be uncomfortable and challenging to face/ navigate. Here are some of the situations that can arise surrounding the issue of death and organ donation.

-  Is resuscitating a patient with a devastating TBI for organ donation preservation justified? It may seem opportunistic and NOT focused on the dignified care of the patient- but it the patient’s desire would be to donate, preserving that option DOES honor their wishes.

-  If a patient is declared dead, specifically brain dead or death by neurologic criteria, and they previously expressed desire to be an organ donor (such as registration with an OPO or indicating their desires on their drivers license), legally the family can’t prevent the patient from donating. Even if the family opposes it, legally the patient should proceed to donation. But what about the risk of “bad press”? You’re honoring the patients wishes although that fact may be less apparent to the public compared to the anger expressed by the family members that the hospital “stole their loved one’s organs against their wish” or even worse, implying that the hospital “allowed” the patient to die so they could use their organs.

-  You don't need consent to perform a brain death test.

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