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Radiologic Dyslexia

1st day in radiology: your right is your left, your left is your right

     I have recently coined a new phrase. While showing my mom a picture, pointing out someone she had never met before, I commented, "he's the one on the right." Funny story, though- he was actually on the left side of the picture. I had to pause while I talked to my mom and reassure her that I know the difference between my right and my left.

While scrolling through Twitter the other day, I was reviewing a question posed about an abdominal x-ray. Another Twitter user added a helpful hint by indicating "the right side of the circle" when pointing out an abnormality. I predicted he meant anatomical right (meaning the image's left side) based on my interpretation. We chuckled about the discrepancy between radiographic laterality and left-right differentiation in real life. I decided to designate this mix-up "radiologic dyslexia." Feel free to use this in the appropriate context!

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