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Tackling the expertise bias

Overcoming barriers while teaching and being humble as a consultant

     Why is it so hard to remember what it was like before you knew the things that you now consider fundamental, basic knowledge? If you are a teacher, which includes school teachers as well as everyone responsible for passing knowledge to others, self-reflection on how you relay information and assess comprehension is paramount. One common challenge is overcoming the "curse of knowledge". The curse of knowledge takes hold and becomes a hurdle when the teacher/ instructor assumes that their audience has the same background knowledge and should be "up to speed" without significant delay. In other words, there are many things you do every day that you consider obvious and second nature. It is exceedingly easy to be quick to judge your trainees for not recalling or readily grasping those concepts.

     How has this manifested itself in my experience as a teacher in the ICU? Caring for patients with a wide breadth of physiologic derangements is a rich environment for interactive real-time learning. Invasive mechanical ventilation is a perfect opportunity to learn about respiratory physiology. Learning how to pick the right mode/ settings and how to make adjustments to optimize each patient's oxygenation and ventilation (while avoiding further lung injury) is key to good critical care for the patient that requires respiratory support. My understanding of mechanical ventilation was the culmination of many hours and long months/ years spent reading, preparing lectures, tinkering bedside with ventilators, engaging in dialogue with experts, and just immersing myself in the weeds. At some point, and I have no idea when it was precisely, it finally clicked. I didn't become an omniscient guru. But after enough practice, the fundamental concepts finally became solidified in my mind, and managing ventilators has become second nature.

     Ventilator management is a cornerstone of ICU care. Whenever there are patients that require ventilation beyond perioperative indications, I capitalize on the opportunity to teach. Even though I'm acutely aware of how much work (seemingly endless hours of work) went into learning the finer points of ventilators, it's still hard to remember what it was like before I understood.

     Please note- this phenomenon is NOT limited to in-person teaching. This barrier can infiltrate lectures, manuscript writing, and a variety of other forms of communication and interaction. Another situation relevant to the medical profession- the consultation with a specialist. If you're on the receiving end of the consult, it can be easy to fall into the trap of assuming everyone should have the same knowledge you have. It's crucial to remember that you are an expert in YOUR field- if the physician calling you had the same knowledge, you would be obsolete.

So how do you overcome this hurdle? Here are my suggestions

1.  The first step is to acknowledge that your interactions can be impacted by your bias. You know more than your students, or the person that's calling you for a consult. More specifically, you know more about what you're teaching your student and you know more about the clinical situation than the person consulting you. That's why you're the teacher and the consultant.

2.  Take time to reflect on how you interact when teaching- do you rapidly become impatient, roll your eyes, reply with condescension or snark, or simply look at your students like they're idiots? Pause in real-time: it doesn't have to be awkward, and I'm sure your audience will appreciate a moment to pause and think.

3.  Take the opportunity to put the shoe on the other foot. Reflect on what it was like when you were learning- as an intern struggling to remember how to replete electrolytes, a young resident in the ICU struggling to understand ventilators, or even a young attending struggling in a high-stress operative case. How would you want to be approached/ treated?

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